
This is the changelog for the rescomp package

rescomp 0.3.2

  • Add Scipy 1.8 support by removing a depricated import

rescomp 0.3.1

  • Fixed ESNGenLoc bug where W_in was setup incorrectly.

  • Updated the examples to use the Lorenz-96 system instead of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky system where applicable.

rescomp 0.3.0

  • Removed the measures.error_over_time() and measures.valid_time_index() functions introduced in 0.2.4 due to concerns about their naming. They’ll be re-introduced in a later version.

rescomp 0.2.4

  • Added measures.error_over_time() and measures.valid_time_index() as additional error/data validation functions

rescomp 0.2.3

  • Added esn.create_input_matrix() to allow the creation of an input matrix independent from any training.

  • Adjusted the arguments of _ESNCore._fit_w_out() to allow for more flexible extension classes built upon _ESNCore and/or ESN

rescomp 0.2.2

  • Updated required packages to correctly reflect the oldest supported packages.

  • Removed the last matplotlib uses in rescomp.

  • Added better testing with tox (and pyenv)

  • Added tests for the KS simulation function variants, and marked the (likely) expected to fail tests as such.

rescomp 0.2.1

  • Fixed Bug where the parameter pred_sync_steps was not passed on and used incorrectly in the following functions:

    • esn.ESNWrapper.train_and_predict()

    • esn.ESNGenLoc.train_and_predict()

    • utilities.train_and_predict_input_setup()

    Directly called predict() functions, the typical use case where an additional synchronization is required, are unaffected.

rescomp 0.2.0

  • Updated the repositories license from unlicensed to the MIT license

rescomp 0.1.4

  • Added the general local states (GLS) Code

  • Added a usage example for the general local states methods

rescomp 0.1.3

  • Rewrote the documentation for gitlab pages

  • Rewrote the examples as jupyter files for integration in the new documenation

rescomp 0.1.2

  • Added options to have W_in ordered

  • Implemented squared tanh activation function

  • Implemented option to have mixture of activation functions

  • Changed the ‘b’ parameter in the lorenz systems used in rescomp.simulate_trajectory() to ‘beta’, as that’s what the parameter is usually called in the literature

rescomp 0.1.1

  • Allowed kwargs for the Lorenz63 and Roessler systems in simulate_trajectory()

  • Added short example for the simulations module usage.

  • Rewrote divergence_time to correctly handle perfect predictions and immediate divergence

rescomp 0.1.0

  • Package fundamentally rewritten.
    See README, HTML documentation and examples for details.