Implements the Echo State Network (ESN) used in Reservoir Computing

Inheritance diagram of rescomp.esn

ESNWrapper Class

class rescomp.esn.ESNWrapper

Convenience Wrapper for the ESN class

For all normal usage of the rescomp package, this is the class to use.


create_input_matrix(x_dim[, w_in_scale, ...])

create the input matrix _w_in. Can be used to create the _w_in before "train", otherwise it is called in "train" :param x_dim: dimension of the input data :type x_dim: int :param w_in_scale: maximum absolute value of the (random) w_in elements :type w_in_scale: float :param w_in_sparse: If true, creates w_in such that one element in each row is non-zero (Lu,Hunt, Ott 2018) :type w_in_sparse: bool :param w_in_orderd: If true and w_in_sparse is true, creates w_in such that elements are ordered by dimension and number of elements for each dimension is equal (as far as possible) :type w_in_orderd: bool.

create_network([n_dim, n_rad, n_avg_deg, ...])

Creates the internal network used as reservoir in RC


Returns the rescomp package version used to create the class instance


Returns the network used as reservoir


Returns all network parameters


Returns the input matrix w_in


Returns the output matrix w_out

predict([x_pred, sync_steps, pred_steps, ...])

Synchronize the reservoir, then predict the system evolution


Set loglevel for the console output

set_file_logger(log_level, log_file_path)

Set's the logging file path

synchronize(x[, save_r])

Synchronize the reservoir state with the input time series

to_pickle(path[, compression, protocol])

Pickle (serialize) object to file.

train(x_train, sync_steps[, reg_param, ...])

Synchronize, then train the reservoir

train_and_predict(x_data, train_sync_steps, ...)

Train, then predict the evolution directly following the train data

create_input_matrix(x_dim, w_in_scale=1.0, w_in_sparse=True, w_in_ordered=False)

create the input matrix _w_in. Can be used to create the _w_in before “train”, otherwise it is called in “train” :param x_dim: dimension of the input data :type x_dim: int :param w_in_scale: maximum absolute value of the (random) w_in


  • w_in_sparse (bool) – If true, creates w_in such that one element in each row is non-zero (Lu,Hunt, Ott 2018)

  • w_in_orderd (bool) – If true and w_in_sparse is true, creates w_in such that elements are ordered by dimension and number of elements for each dimension is equal (as far as possible)

create_network(n_dim=500, n_rad=0.1, n_avg_deg=6.0, n_type_flag='erdos_renyi', network_creation_attempts=10)

Creates the internal network used as reservoir in RC

  • n_dim (int) – Nr. of nodes in the network

  • n_rad (float) – Spectral radius of the network. Must be >0. Should be < 1 to satisfy the echo state property

  • n_avg_deg (float) – Average node degree (number of connections). Used in the random network generations

  • n_type_flag (int_or_str) –

    Type of Network to be generated. Possible flags and their synonyms are:

    • ”random”, “erdos_renyi”

    • ”scale_free”, “barabasi_albert”

    • ”small_world”, “watts_strogatz”

  • network_creation_attempts (int) – How often the network generation should be attempted. It can fail due to a not converging eigenvalue calculation


Returns the rescomp package version used to create the class instance


Rescomp package version

Return type



Returns the network used as reservoir


network saved as scipy.sparse matrix

Return type



Returns all network parameters


Dictionary of network parameters

Return type



Returns the input matrix w_in



Return type



Returns the output matrix w_out



Return type


predict(x_pred=None, sync_steps=0, pred_steps=None, save_r=False, save_input=False)

Synchronize the reservoir, then predict the system evolution

Changes self._last_r and self._last_r_gen to stay synchronized to the new system state

  • x_pred (np.ndarray) – Input data used to synchronize the reservoir, and then used as comparison for the prediction by being returned as y_pred in the output

  • sync_steps (int) – How many steps to use for synchronization before the prediction starts

  • pred_steps (int) – How many steps to predict

  • save_r (bool) – If true, saves r(t) internally

  • save_input (bool) – If true, saves the input data internally


2-element tuple containing:

  • y_pred (np.ndarray): Predicted future states

  • y_test (np.ndarray_or_None): Data taken from the input to compare the prediction with. If the prediction were “perfect” y_pred and y_test would be equal. Be careful though, y_test might be shorter than y_pred, or even None, if pred_steps is not None

Return type



Set loglevel for the console output


() (log_level) – console loglevel as specified in:

set_file_logger(log_level, log_file_path)

Set’s the logging file path

synchronize(x, save_r=False)

Synchronize the reservoir state with the input time series

This is usually done automatically in the training and prediction functions.

  • x (np.ndarray) – Input data to be used for the synchronization, shape (T, d)

  • save_r (bool) – If true, saves and returns r


All r states if save_r is True, None if False

Return type


to_pickle(path, compression='infer', protocol=5)

Pickle (serialize) object to file.

Disables logging as logging handlers can not be pickled. Uses pandas functions internally.

  • path (str) – File path where the pickled object will be stored.

  • compression ({'infer', 'gzip', 'bz2', 'zip', 'xz', None}) – A string representing the compression to use in the output file. By default, infers from the file extension in specified path.

  • protocol (int) – Int which indicates which protocol should be used by the pickler. The possible values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. A negative value for the protocol parameter is equivalent to setting its value to HIGHEST_PROTOCOL.

train(x_train, sync_steps, reg_param=1e-05, w_in_scale=1.0, w_in_sparse=True, w_in_ordered=False, w_in_no_update=False, act_fct_flag='tanh_simple', bias_scale=0, mix_ratio=0.5, save_r=False, save_input=False, w_out_fit_flag='simple', loc_nbhd=None)

Synchronize, then train the reservoir

  • x_train (np.ndarray) – Input data used to synchronize and then train the reservoir

  • sync_steps (int) – How many steps to use for synchronization before the prediction starts

  • reg_param (float) – weight for the Tikhonov-regularization term

  • w_in_scale (float) – maximum absolute value of the (random) w_in elements

  • w_in_sparse (bool) – If true, creates w_in such that one element in each row is non-zero (Lu,Hunt, Ott 2018)

  • w_in_orderd (bool) – If true and w_in_sparse is true, creates w_in such that elements are ordered by dimension and number of elements for each dimension is equal (as far as possible)

  • w_in_no_update (bool) – If true and the input matrix W_in does already exist from a previous training run, W_in does not get updated, regardless of all other parameters concerning it.

  • act_fct_flag (int_or_str) –

    Specifies the activation function to be used during training (and prediction). Possible flags and their synonyms are:

    • ”tanh_simple”, “simple”

    • ”tanh_bias”

  • bias_scale (float) – Bias to be used in some activation functions

  • mix_ratio (float) – Ratio of normal tanh vs squared tanh activation functions if act_fct_flag “mixed” is chosen

  • save_r (bool) – If true, saves r(t) internally

  • save_input (bool) – If true, saves the input data internally

  • w_out_fit_flag (str) – Type of nonlinear transformation applied to the reservoir states r to be used during the fit (and future prediction)

  • loc_nbhd (np.ndarray) – The local neighborhood used for the generalized local states approach. For more information, please see the docs.

train_and_predict(x_data, train_sync_steps, train_steps, pred_sync_steps=0, pred_steps=None, disc_steps=0, **kwargs)

Train, then predict the evolution directly following the train data

  • x_data (np.ndarray) – Data used for synchronization, training and prediction (start and comparison)

  • train_sync_steps (int) – Steps to synchronize the reservoir with before the ‘real’ training begins

  • train_steps (int) – Steps to use for training and fitting w_in

  • pred_sync_steps (int) – steps to sync the reservoir with before prediction

  • pred_steps (int) – How many steps to predict the evolution for

  • **kwargs – further arguments passed to train() and predict()


2-element tuple containing:

  • y_pred (np.ndarray): Predicted future states

  • y_test (np.ndarray_or_None): Data taken from the input to compare the prediction with. If the prediction were “perfect” y_pred and y_test would be equal. Be careful though, y_test might be shorter than y_pred, or even None, if pred_steps is not None

Return type


ESNGenLoc Class

class rescomp.esn.ESNGenLoc

Generalized Local State Implementation of RC

For details on the how and why behind this implementation, please see the general_local_states_example in bin and/or the package documentation.

Idea behind the Local Neighborhoods matrix implementation: Human readable and plottable locality neighborhoods where each entry specifies the nature of a corresponding dimension. A simple example might look like this:

[1, 2, 1, 0]

[0, 1, 2, 1]

[2, 1, 1, 2]

where 0 means “not part of the neighborhood”, 1 means “part of the neighborhood, but not a core” and 2 means “core dimension” Each row is a “neighborhood” specifying which dimensions are grouped together as input for each ESN instance. As such there can only be one 2 per input dimension (column) as otherwise combining the different neighborhood’s predictions after each prediction step is not possible. In theory there can be no 2 in a dimension/column though. In that case the corresponding dimension just doesn’t appear in the prediction output.

The code is written under the assumption that all internal ESNs have the same hyperparameters. This does not necessarily need to be the case though, and a more generalized implementation would allow it.



Same idea as for the ESN Wrapper Class



predict(x_pred, sync_steps[, pred_steps, ...])

Same idea as for the ESN Wrapper Class


Set loglevel for the console output

set_file_logger(log_level, log_file_path)

Set's the logging file path

synchronize(x_sync, **kwargs)

Same idea as for the ESN Wrapper Class

to_pickle(path[, compression, protocol])

Pickle (serialize) object to file.

train(x_train, sync_steps[, loc_nbhds, ...])

Same idea as for the ESN Wrapper Class

train_and_predict(x_data, train_sync_steps, ...)

Same idea as for the ESN Wrapper Class


Same idea as for the ESN Wrapper Class



predict(x_pred, sync_steps, pred_steps=None, ESN_sync_kwargs=None, **kwargs)

Same idea as for the ESN Wrapper Class


Set loglevel for the console output


() (log_level) – console loglevel as specified in:

set_file_logger(log_level, log_file_path)

Set’s the logging file path

synchronize(x_sync, **kwargs)

Same idea as for the ESN Wrapper Class

to_pickle(path, compression='infer', protocol=5)

Pickle (serialize) object to file.

Disables logging as logging handlers can not be pickled. Uses pandas functions internally.

  • path (str) – File path where the pickled object will be stored.

  • compression ({'infer', 'gzip', 'bz2', 'zip', 'xz', None}) – A string representing the compression to use in the output file. By default, infers from the file extension in specified path.

  • protocol (int) – Int which indicates which protocol should be used by the pickler. The possible values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. A negative value for the protocol parameter is equivalent to setting its value to HIGHEST_PROTOCOL.

train(x_train, sync_steps, loc_nbhds=None, train_core_only=True, ESN_train_kwargs=None)

Same idea as for the ESN Wrapper Class

train_and_predict(x_data, train_sync_steps, train_steps, loc_nbhds=None, pred_sync_steps=0, pred_steps=None, disc_steps=0, **kwargs)

Same idea as for the ESN Wrapper Class

ESN Class

class rescomp.esn.ESN

Implements basic RC functionality

This is to be written such that one can easily implement both “normal” RC as well as local RC, or other generalizations, by using this class as a building block to be called with the right training and prediction data


create_input_matrix(x_dim[, w_in_scale, ...])

create the input matrix _w_in. Can be used to create the _w_in before "train", otherwise it is called in "train" :param x_dim: dimension of the input data :type x_dim: int :param w_in_scale: maximum absolute value of the (random) w_in elements :type w_in_scale: float :param w_in_sparse: If true, creates w_in such that one element in each row is non-zero (Lu,Hunt, Ott 2018) :type w_in_sparse: bool :param w_in_orderd: If true and w_in_sparse is true, creates w_in such that elements are ordered by dimension and number of elements for each dimension is equal (as far as possible) :type w_in_orderd: bool.

create_network([n_dim, n_rad, n_avg_deg, ...])

Creates the internal network used as reservoir in RC


Returns the rescomp package version used to create the class instance


Returns the network used as reservoir


Returns all network parameters


Returns the input matrix w_in


Returns the output matrix w_out

predict([x_pred, sync_steps, pred_steps, ...])

Synchronize the reservoir, then predict the system evolution


Set loglevel for the console output

set_file_logger(log_level, log_file_path)

Set's the logging file path

synchronize(x[, save_r])

Synchronize the reservoir state with the input time series

to_pickle(path[, compression, protocol])

Pickle (serialize) object to file.

train(x_train, sync_steps[, reg_param, ...])

Synchronize, then train the reservoir

create_input_matrix(x_dim, w_in_scale=1.0, w_in_sparse=True, w_in_ordered=False)

create the input matrix _w_in. Can be used to create the _w_in before “train”, otherwise it is called in “train” :param x_dim: dimension of the input data :type x_dim: int :param w_in_scale: maximum absolute value of the (random) w_in


  • w_in_sparse (bool) – If true, creates w_in such that one element in each row is non-zero (Lu,Hunt, Ott 2018)

  • w_in_orderd (bool) – If true and w_in_sparse is true, creates w_in such that elements are ordered by dimension and number of elements for each dimension is equal (as far as possible)

create_network(n_dim=500, n_rad=0.1, n_avg_deg=6.0, n_type_flag='erdos_renyi', network_creation_attempts=10)

Creates the internal network used as reservoir in RC

  • n_dim (int) – Nr. of nodes in the network

  • n_rad (float) – Spectral radius of the network. Must be >0. Should be < 1 to satisfy the echo state property

  • n_avg_deg (float) – Average node degree (number of connections). Used in the random network generations

  • n_type_flag (int_or_str) –

    Type of Network to be generated. Possible flags and their synonyms are:

    • ”random”, “erdos_renyi”

    • ”scale_free”, “barabasi_albert”

    • ”small_world”, “watts_strogatz”

  • network_creation_attempts (int) – How often the network generation should be attempted. It can fail due to a not converging eigenvalue calculation


Returns the rescomp package version used to create the class instance


Rescomp package version

Return type



Returns the network used as reservoir


network saved as scipy.sparse matrix

Return type



Returns all network parameters


Dictionary of network parameters

Return type



Returns the input matrix w_in



Return type



Returns the output matrix w_out



Return type


predict(x_pred=None, sync_steps=0, pred_steps=None, save_r=False, save_input=False)

Synchronize the reservoir, then predict the system evolution

Changes self._last_r and self._last_r_gen to stay synchronized to the new system state

  • x_pred (np.ndarray) – Input data used to synchronize the reservoir, and then used as comparison for the prediction by being returned as y_pred in the output

  • sync_steps (int) – How many steps to use for synchronization before the prediction starts

  • pred_steps (int) – How many steps to predict

  • save_r (bool) – If true, saves r(t) internally

  • save_input (bool) – If true, saves the input data internally


2-element tuple containing:

  • y_pred (np.ndarray): Predicted future states

  • y_test (np.ndarray_or_None): Data taken from the input to compare the prediction with. If the prediction were “perfect” y_pred and y_test would be equal. Be careful though, y_test might be shorter than y_pred, or even None, if pred_steps is not None

Return type



Set loglevel for the console output


() (log_level) – console loglevel as specified in:

set_file_logger(log_level, log_file_path)

Set’s the logging file path

synchronize(x, save_r=False)

Synchronize the reservoir state with the input time series

This is usually done automatically in the training and prediction functions.

  • x (np.ndarray) – Input data to be used for the synchronization, shape (T, d)

  • save_r (bool) – If true, saves and returns r


All r states if save_r is True, None if False

Return type


to_pickle(path, compression='infer', protocol=5)

Pickle (serialize) object to file.

Disables logging as logging handlers can not be pickled. Uses pandas functions internally.

  • path (str) – File path where the pickled object will be stored.

  • compression ({'infer', 'gzip', 'bz2', 'zip', 'xz', None}) – A string representing the compression to use in the output file. By default, infers from the file extension in specified path.

  • protocol (int) – Int which indicates which protocol should be used by the pickler. The possible values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. A negative value for the protocol parameter is equivalent to setting its value to HIGHEST_PROTOCOL.

train(x_train, sync_steps, reg_param=1e-05, w_in_scale=1.0, w_in_sparse=True, w_in_ordered=False, w_in_no_update=False, act_fct_flag='tanh_simple', bias_scale=0, mix_ratio=0.5, save_r=False, save_input=False, w_out_fit_flag='simple', loc_nbhd=None)

Synchronize, then train the reservoir

  • x_train (np.ndarray) – Input data used to synchronize and then train the reservoir

  • sync_steps (int) – How many steps to use for synchronization before the prediction starts

  • reg_param (float) – weight for the Tikhonov-regularization term

  • w_in_scale (float) – maximum absolute value of the (random) w_in elements

  • w_in_sparse (bool) – If true, creates w_in such that one element in each row is non-zero (Lu,Hunt, Ott 2018)

  • w_in_orderd (bool) – If true and w_in_sparse is true, creates w_in such that elements are ordered by dimension and number of elements for each dimension is equal (as far as possible)

  • w_in_no_update (bool) – If true and the input matrix W_in does already exist from a previous training run, W_in does not get updated, regardless of all other parameters concerning it.

  • act_fct_flag (int_or_str) –

    Specifies the activation function to be used during training (and prediction). Possible flags and their synonyms are:

    • ”tanh_simple”, “simple”

    • ”tanh_bias”

  • bias_scale (float) – Bias to be used in some activation functions

  • mix_ratio (float) – Ratio of normal tanh vs squared tanh activation functions if act_fct_flag “mixed” is chosen

  • save_r (bool) – If true, saves r(t) internally

  • save_input (bool) – If true, saves the input data internally

  • w_out_fit_flag (str) – Type of nonlinear transformation applied to the reservoir states r to be used during the fit (and future prediction)

  • loc_nbhd (np.ndarray) – The local neighborhood used for the generalized local states approach. For more information, please see the docs.